Under the terms of your lease you could be faced with a repair bill running into thousands of pounds if your landlord’s insurance policy doesn’t provide the cover required or if it fails to operate through no fault of your own
This unique Tenants Contingent Property insurance has been designed to provide tenants with a financial safeguard should you find yourself liable for property damage not covered by your landlord’s insurance
The policy cover extends to include buildings and fixtures and fittings which are insured under a more specific policy in the name of the owner or landlord but for which you are legally liable as tenant under the terms of your lease.
The policy will provide a wide ranging cover including the property risks, owners liability and legal expenses cover
Under Property damage the following perils are included
Fire, Explosion, Lightning, Aircraft
Escape of Water
Riot, Civil Commotion, Malicious Damage
Subsidence, Ground Heave, Landslip
Storm or Flood
Sprinkler Leakage
Any Other Accident
If you’d rather talk to us please give us a call on 01592 857925